What to Know Before Buying a Chocolate Enrobing Machine

Chocolate enrobing machines can coat nearly anything with a solid, uniform, chocolate layer that saves significant manual labor. They can perfectly turn ordinary snacks into chocolate-covered confections. This guide is meant to introduce you to the marketplace for enrobers with details on the sizes, prices, and capacities to help you make the right purchase:
How Chocolate Enrobing Process Works
The chocolate enrobing process takes place in stages. The majority of enrobers, especially bigger systems, come with equipment that handles the enrobing process from start to finish. Also, smaller enrobing machines can be bought separately from the cooling tunnel. But, the majority of enrobers are made with a tempering system that makes sure chocolate maintains a constant, melted consistency suitable for enrobing.
When enrobing chocolate using a chocolate enrobing machine, the first step is to put the chocolate in the tempering system where it melts and reaches a smooth, liquid state. The system is connected to the enrober to supply the liquid chocolate for the enrobing stage. Often, the tempering machine comes with an enrobing line; however, it can also be purchased separately and connected to the enrober.
The next stage involves placing the candy, pretzel, fruit, and other staff on a wire rack that will carry them through the prebottomer where their bottom gets evenly coated. Then, the wire rack carries the item towards the enrober, passing through a preliminary cooling conveyer that solidifies the chocolate the prebottomer applied. The products are carried by the conveyer towards the coating pump, creating a continuous chocolate waterfall that covers them. The chocolate-covered pieces are transferred on to wax paper so they can remove easily after cooling. They are carried to the cooling tunnel to solidify and exit ready for packaging.
Enrober Sizes and Types
In general, the enrober’s body is made from stainless steel to reduce contamination. The machine comes in an array of sizes that range from industrial-sized with more than 100” belts machines to smaller ones with 6’ belt. The wider the belt, the higher the pieces per hour output the machine can generate.
Often, suppliers provide a huge selection of enrobing machines, customised for industrial production, medium-scale production, large-scale production, or small-scale production. Sometimes, they will market some machines as better at producing some types of products. If you choose a customised enrober, you will pay extra to get extra capabilities. For instance, an enrober can come with a removable stainless steel rack for easy cleaning.